Most challenging moment: Zesting lemons
Lessons learnt: Extracting lemon zest is hard work but well worth the effort
Mrs. J, a reader of my blog, said via email last week that I must put up the recipes of the things I cook in order for the tips to be useful. When I started this blog, I did consider this but deliberately decided against doing so because I didn't want this to become a 'recipe blog'. However after due consideration to Mrs J's suggestion I have decided to slightly update the format of my posts and hopefully this will provide an improved point of reference for my readers. (Please do write in and let me know what you think, Mrs. J)
So, lemon bars - I once tried to make them a LONG time ago (probably over 10 years ago now) with very, very sad results. That incident is best not revisited at present, but when I saw this recipe in the Hummingbird cookbook, my heart lurched with fear... could I tackle my old nemesis?
Next I made the filling with the leftover zest, some eggs, 100 ml of lemon juice and some sugar, and poured it over the crust. The whole thing went into the over again for 40 minutes, was cooled and refrigerated and finally came out looking rather wonderful :)
They were delicious! But I want a nice "foodie" piece next time!